The Juniors in Mr. Hoop’s Constructiom Technology program made a unique cutting board for a loved one to give as a Christmas gift!
over 4 years ago, Ohio Valley CTC
Jr. Construction Technology Students create cutting boards as Christmas gifts.
The students in Mr. Hoop’s Construction Technology Program have created some beautiful projects this month. Students have designed beautiful cutting boards with Walnut & Cherry wood. The end tables and coffee table constructed by the students is also stunning!
over 4 years ago, Ohio Valley CTC
OVCTC Construction Technology woodworking and furniture projects.
The students in Mr. Rhonemus’ Ag Business Program used a vintage apple press (a machine that is over 100 years old) and worked on apple cider production today!
over 4 years ago, Ohio Valley CTC
OVCTC Ag Business students produce apple cider with a vintage apple press.
The students in Mr. White’s Ag Mechanics program prioritize good communication so they can safely execute a variety of projects in the lab!
over 4 years ago, Ohio Valley CTC
Ag Mechanics students emphasize clear communication when completing projects.
The students in Mrs. Foster’s Culinary Arts Program completed a holiday coomunity service activity by singing Christmas carols at the Ohio Valley Manor.
over 4 years ago, Ohio Valley CTC
Ohio Valley CTC Culinary Arts students singing Christmas carols at the Ohio Valley Manor.
The OVCTC Culinary Arts Program will be offering a Serv Safe class for Food Handlers seeking Level 1 & 2 certification. The class will be held at the OVCTC December 16-18 from 4-7:45 PM. Participants will take the Serv Safe Exam on December 18th & the class costs $200. Contact Mrs. Foster (544-2336) at the OVCTC to register for the course.
over 4 years ago, Ohio Valley CTC
Recently, students in Mr. Cooper’s CNC Machining Lab made a high pressure water pump flange.
over 4 years ago, Ohio Valley CTC
OVCTC CNC Machining students produce a high pressure water pump flange!
Thank you to the OVCTC Yearbook class & their advisor, Ms. Roberts, for sponsoring this evening’s Hoedown Dance!
over 4 years ago, Ohio Valley CTC
Scenes from the 2019 CTC Hoedown Dance
The OVCTC Yearbook staff is hosting a dance on Friday, December 6th, from 8-11 PM!
over 4 years ago, Ohio Valley CTC
Join the Yearbook Class for the OVCTC Hoedown
Valvoline Oil put on a automotive oil and chemical presentation along with Huntley’s NAPA Auto Parts store yesterday for Automotive Technology, Ag Mechanics & Ag Business students. Thanks to Travis Montgomery from Valvoline Oil and Rick Cran from Huntleys Napa Auto Parts store for making this possible!
over 4 years ago, Ohio Valley CTC
OVCTC students participating in the Valvoline Oil clinic
The OVCTC hosted the 10th grade students from Manchester HS this morning for the Sophomore Tours of our career technical education programs!
almost 5 years ago, Ohio Valley CTC
MHS Sophomores visiting the Ohio Valley CTC!
The OVCTC would like to thank the Sophomores from Peebles High School for visiting the building today and touring our programs!
almost 5 years ago, Ohio Valley CTC
Sophomore Tours with Peebles HS!
OVCTC FFA participated in a leadership night at Georgetown HS with Ohio FFA state officers on November 14th. Thank you Georgetown FFA for the warm welcome and for sponsoring this event for our students. The pizza and fellowship with other members was fantastic!
almost 5 years ago, Ohio Valley CTC
OVCTC FFA members recently participated in leadership training with the Ohio state FFA officer team at Georgetown HS.
OVCTC’s Brennan Barr, a student in the Ag Mechanics & Industrial Power Program, took first place this weekend in two motor-cross events he was competing in at Earlywind Motorsport in Maysville, KY! Congratulations to Brennan - we are confident you’ve used skills learned in the Ag Mechanics lab to support your motor cross success!
almost 5 years ago, Ohio Valley CTC
Brennan Barr competing in a motorcross event in Maysville, KY.
almost 5 years ago, Eddie Butcher
Welcome to the new website and mobile app for Adams County Ohio Valley!
almost 5 years ago, Admin