This week at PHS:
Wednesday, January 10th
Junior High Girls @ Home vs. Lynchburg 5:30 start
High School Girls @ Green 6:00 start
Thursday, January 11th
Junior High Boys @ Home vs. Eastern 5:30 start
Friday, January 12th
High School Boys @ Home vs. Fayetteville 5:00 start
*Order is freshman, reserve, varsity
*This is also Hall of Fame Night. Hall of Fame ceremonies will take place between the JV and Varsity games.
Saturday, January 13th
Junior High Boys and Girls @ Manchester 9:00 start (boys are playing first). Order will be 7th boys, 8th boys, 7th girls, 8th girls
High School Girls @ Home vs. Southeastern 12:00 start. This will be Varsity only.
High School Boys @ North Adams vs. Georgetown 5:30 start. This is the Dave Young Classic.
Now Hiring!! Fulltime and Substitute Bus Drivers.
Schedule Change:
The High School Boys game on Tuesday, January 9th at New Boston has been moved to Tuesday, February 13th
This week at PHS:
Tuesday, January 2nd
High School Boys @ Piketon 6:00 start
Thursday, January 4th
High School Girls @Whiteoak 6:00 start
Junior High Girls @Ripley 5:30 start
Junior High Boys @Home vs. Ripley 5:30 start
Friday, January 5th
High School Boys @Home vs. Eastern 6:00 start
The Lady Indians are your 2023 Holiday Classic Champs!
The varsity girls and boys both won the first round games this afternoon in the Holiday Classic. Both teams are playing in the championship games tomorrow night at Manchester. Girls start at 6:00 with the boys game following. Come out and support the teams. Go Indians!
This week at PHS: Wednesday, December 27th JH boys and Freshman @ home vs. North Adams 5:00 start. Order will be 7th boys, 8th boys, freshman boys
Thursday, December 28th Varsity girls and boys @Manchester in the Holiday Classic vs. West Union. Girls start at 3:00 and the boys will follow
Friday, December 29th Varsity girls and boys will be playing in the Holiday Classic at Manchester. Times will be determined by results from Thursday. There will be an updated post Thursday.
Come out tonight for a great cause
Holiday Tourney Schedule. Girls play at 3:00 and boys play at 4:30 on 12-28
A message from 8th grade:
The eighth grade students and staff are scheduled to work the concession stand for the HS boys basketball game this Friday night vs North Adams. We will receive half the profit and it will go toward our extended field trip to Kings Island in May. A letter was sent home last week with the students and we have only received a few back. We need six students and six adults for each block (5:00-7:00 and 7:00-9:00). I know that kids are bad about forgetting to let their parents know about these events. If you are a parent of an eighth grader and you, your child, and/or both can work please contact Jessica Kremin or Brigitte Daniels and let them know. Thank you.
Mrs. Kremin’s eighth graders had some holiday fun competing in a STEM challenge on which team could construct the tallest snowman
The PHS Student Council hosted a toy and blanket drive. Donations will be taken to PES.
This week at PHS:
Monday, December 18th
Junior High Girls @ Home vs. Eastern Brown 5:30 start
Tuesday, December 19th
High School Boys @ Fairfield 6:00 start
Wednesday, December 20th
Junior High Boys @ North Adams 5:30 start
Junior High Girls @ Lynchburg 5:30 start
Thursday, December 21st
High School Girls @ Fayetteville 6:00 start
Junior High Girls/Junior High Boys/Freshman @ Western Latham 4:00 start. Order will be 8th grade girls, 7th grade boys, 8th grade boys, freshman boys
Friday, December 22nd
High School Boys @ Home vs. North Adams 6:00 start
The first meeting of the Peebles Athletic Booster Club took place on December 14, 2023. The following officers were elected –
Chris Reed President,
Seth Myers Vice-president,
Rachel Williams secretary and
Rebecca Kreml Treasurer,
The group looked over the present by-laws and discussed going forward. It was discussed that all games concessions are covered and a financial statement on what money has been made so far was presented.
The group discussed the importance of transparency and making sure all monies earned goes to the students. They will be taking over the records and finances of the former officers of the booster club.
Just a reminder on the order of the junior high games tomorrow. First game is at 9:00am. Order will be 7th grade girls, 8th grade girls, 7th grade boys, 8th grade boys.
Attention 7th and 8th grade parents. Teachers have selected participants for the junior high spelling bee. All students participating should be bringing home a letter. Having a junior high student myself, I know that some things never make it home. Please see the picture with the information. Thank you.
A message from North Adams Athletic Director Katie Ragan about tonight's girls game
Last week, we installed a Hudl Focus camera in our gym. The picture from this camera is much better than the NFHS camera. There is also sound. The camera has the ability to livestream the games. We can charge a per game fee, monthly fee, or yearly fee. But, for several reasons, we have decided to make the livestream free for the rest of this basketball season. We might charge a small fee next year.
Tonight is the test run for the Hudl livestream. If you are unable to attend tonight's girls game with Peebles, here are your free livestreaming options.
Go to and select North Adams. The game is a girls game v. Peebles.
Or, if you are using a mobile device, download the Hudl Fan app from the app store and you should be able to view the North Adams v Peebles girls game.
As many of you are aware, my tech skills are not the best. Tonight is a test to see if I have everything set up right. If there is a problem, please email me. I hope it works!
Please see the attached flyer for the game Friday night at Lynchburg Clay. There will also be no freshman game. JV game will start at 6:00
Complete SHAC Varsity Schedule:
Slight change to the athletic schedule. There will be no freshman game on Wednesday, December 13th.