Monday February 3, 2025 will be out on our 8th calamity day. We will treat this with our virtual learning platform. Teachers will report and be available 9-2pm.
about 2 months ago, All kids means ALL KIDS
ACOVSD will be closed Monday, February 3, 2025 due to illness.
about 2 months ago, All kids means ALL KIDS
Parents, Students, and Community, We are still dealing with many illnesses in our schools. Please know our administrators are very understanding of students needs to be at home because the student is sick. If your child is not fever free without medicine please keep them home. If your child has a nasty consistent cough or runny nose please keep them home. Students/Staff are passing this around our county like candy. We are deep cleaning, bringing in additional support, parents are sending in disinfectant wipes (thank you) and we are diligently trying to practice safe hygiene practices. We know attendance and those 'formal', legislative driven letters are such a concern. With that, I would add that we appreciate parent sthat also value sending their student to school. This is a time of exception and understanding. As an administrative team we will have grace and patience and ask the same from the community. Our staff is doing amazing things to keep up consistency and structure for students, but they are catching this medley of illnesses as well. Mask up, sanitize, wipe off touch points, and keep the students home if they are coughing to the point it may infect others - students can't help where particles go even with the proper elbow coverings. If their runny nose is colored or you have had to give fever reducing products the morning before school keep them home. Please honor the doctor recommendated return to school date if you have seen a doctor. Much love, hugs, an d prayers for our district as we combat this together. Dawn
2 months ago, All kids means ALL KIDS
Multiple illnesses have hit our county and many are absent from school. Working with the Health Dept we will stay OPEN as we continue to reach more students at school than online. We are intentionally deep cleaning as well as encouraging teachers and students to wipe off surfaces to combat the yuckies that are invading us right now- similar to our previous efforts with CoVid. If your child has a fever please keep them home -we understand AND they will be sent home so they do not infect others. We will work through attendance issues individually with your buildings. We need to have Grace with each other as we navigate this time of year.
2 months ago, All kids means ALL KIDS
West Union attendance area busing for Tuesday, January 27, 2025 Due to a lack of sub bus drivers (FLU has hit WU hard) - on Tuesday, January 28th for the PM (take home) Bus 64 will be doing a double route for bus 49. All students for bus 49 will be on bus 64 and route 64 students - Town stop (Post Office / McHenry Lot) will be done by bus 53 - Miranda Rayburn. Bus 64 students should be home on time - Bus 49 students will arrive home 20-30 minutes later than normal.
2 months ago, All kids means ALL KIDS
Please see the attached flyer for our upcoming Kindergarten Registration in March! Students must be age 5 by August 1, 2025 to be eligible.
2 months ago, ACOVSD
Kindergarten Registration
The Adams County Ohio Valley School District will be closed on Wednesday, January 22, 2025. We delayed earlier today; however, after closely monitoring the weather a decision was made to close tomorrow for student safety. If able, students will complete work virtually as an online learning day.
2 months ago, ACOVSD
Adams County Ohio Valley School District will be on a 2-hour delay on Wednesday, January 22, 2025.
2 months ago, ACOVSD
2-Hour Delay 1/22/25
Adams County Ohio Valley School District will be closed on Tuesday, January 21, 2025 due to the windchill and the condition of the back roads. If able, students will complete work virtually as an online learning day.
2 months ago, ACOVSD
School Closed
Your buildings are sending out more specific information through One Call, Facebook, Dojo, etc. Please use that information for specifics you may need. In a PRECAUTIONARY effort to prepare for a potentially more inclement weather - Chromebooks are coming home with students-Friday, 1/17/25 - IN CASE they are needed. (Your students know all about this). Teachers are also going over login processes - username and passwords (YOUR STUDENTS KNOW THEM AND 'Should' HAVE THEM) The buildings are open on regular schedule today if you need to go up. Monday is a district holiday so do not assume there will be staff there to address your needs. REMEMBER PLEASE - your child's teacher will work with our kids to meet them where they are. We NO LONGER are allowed BLIZZARD bags and try not to have to make students make up time over Spring Break or at the end of the Year we are trying to be respectful, practical, and flexible to continue our learning. In case you missed the subject line and the message - we are sending home chromebooks -IN CASE - we have to use another calamity day, so students can stay connected to routines, and we do not have to make up time over planned breaks or into the summer. We are NOT predicting, only being prepared.
2 months ago, All kids means ALL KIDS
ACOVSD will be closed in recognition of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Monday Jan. 20, 2025
2 months ago, All kids means ALL KIDS
Adams County Ohio Valley Schools will be on a 2 hour delay for Wednesday, January 15, 2025. Please remember your childs school will still serve a grab and go breakfast as well as a hot lunch on our delays. Stay safe and stay warm.
3 months ago, All kids means ALL KIDS
As a reminder, we will have a grab and go breakfast for students.
3 months ago, All kids means ALL KIDS
Adams County Ohio Valley Schools will be on a 2-hour delay with limited bus service based on bus turnarounds and secondary road conditions. The driver will turn in a list of students to the building they were unable to get. If your road or turnarounds is especially bad or hasn't been cleared there is a high likelihood the bus will not be able to get to you. Thank you for your patience and grace as we work to get students back to school safely.
3 months ago, All kids means ALL KIDS
Needed - STNA Instructor for an adult education class 1-2 days per week. Looking to have a day and evening course. Loacation would be the new Adams County Business Training Center in West Union (Former IGA). If interested please contact: Vicki Carrington Adult Education Director- or 937.378.6131 x401
3 months ago, All kids means ALL KIDS
ACOVSD Closed Friday, January 10, 2025 WIth the morning wind chill projections and the looming afternoon forecast we were facing a delay to begin the day and potentially an unplanned early dismissal. Our fears were that doing both, in one day, would cause mass confusion. Many of our bus routes are good just not enough of our routes are good 'enough' to get most of our students to school. The principals were proactive when they issued an invitation to get Chromebooks, IN CASE, we have to use our 6th calamity day Monday. Students do not need them until the 6th calamity day. If you cannot make the times announced PLEASE email or call your building as our teams will do what they can work with you. Also know if you have internet and a device your child can access Google Classroom on any device it does not have to be on a school chromebook, we prefer students use ours, but we understand if parents can't get in to pick one up. HOWEVER, we DO have chromebooks specifically for your child if you need it, and are able to get to the school. Take care, stay safe and keep warm. (and don't forget those snowmen/women ) Mrs. Wallace
3 months ago, All kids means ALL KIDS
5th Calamity Day
Doesn't look promising
With so many not able to get out it may be a good time to: Double check your final forms early dismissal routines and go over them with your student.(this does not indicate a decision for Friday we are still gathering data) Walk your student through their progress book grades - Grade cards come home soon. Double check the requirements for the CTC if your child is in the 8th, 9th or 10th grade. Space will be limited and credit deficits will matter. Failing courses will matter during the application process.
3 months ago, All kids means ALL KIDS
with your snow time it may be a
Thank you for your dedication and hard work to get the snow cleared for our staff and students. These people were out in the bitter cold doing some of the toughest, most grueling work imaginable. For our custodians this wasn't just about dusting off a few sidewalks—parking lot snow removal crews in some cases left massive piles of snow in areas that you then had to clear. It was back-breaking, exhausting work, and you did it without hesitation. Thank you, thank you, thank you. You are truly appreciated more than words can express! We have more snow on the way (according to the forecast) Stay Tuned, and STAY SAFE.
3 months ago, All kids means ALL KIDS
Thank you
ACOVSD will be closed Thursday, January 9, 2025. Township and County officials have been working non-stop and are going to work tomorrow to open the bus turnarounds. According to our officials approximately 70% of our roads are in pretty good shape. Some are not 'passible' even though they are open. To ensure safety of everyone ACOVSD will be closed.
3 months ago, All kids means ALL KIDS
ACOVSD offices are open
3 months ago, All kids means ALL KIDS
Offices Open