A fun opportunity to support our 6th grade Safety Patrol Program.
If you have questions, contact our front office!

Meet 6th graders student, Payton....
Earlier in the year, NAE Art Teacher, Mrs. Cunningham, had students complete an art project for Fire Safety Week. Students had to create a poster for the week and then each poster was submitted to the State Fire Marshall for review.
We just received a letter stating that Payton's poster was chosen as one of the Division of State Fire Marshall Fire Safety Poster Winners!
Payton's poster will be displayed at the Annual Fire Expo in September and following the expo will be on display in the lobby of the State Fire Marshall office, as well as posted on the state website!
NAE is so proud of Payton!

We have some students who are continuing to show great growth in Math! Keep up the great work!

North Adams Elementary PTO will be starting their Little Caesars Pizza Fundraiser today!
You can place orders online at pizzakit.com. The group's Fundraiser ID# is 457357

Our kindergarten students have been working so hard in their WIN (What I Need) time. Some of our students have been working on an Arctic Animals Research Project. Student picked an Arctic animal and wrote three questions that they wanted to find out. After researching with books and videos, they filled out a graphic organizer using descriptive words and drew an illustration of their animal. Then they filled out a packet filled with information on their animal's food, habitat, labeled their body, and wrote three facts they learned. The final part of their project was to make a model of the habitat and then tell their classmates about what they learned.

We want to welcome our newest students of NAES! Class of 2038.

More students who are ready for kindergarten next year!

More of our amazing incoming kindergarten students!

We had a successful night of signing these awesome students as our kindergarten class of 2038.

A huge thank you to our guest readers Mr. Karl Boerger, Chief Edwards, and Board Member David Riley and his wife, Kendra! We appreciate you taking the time out of your day to connect with our students!

Kindergarten Signing Day (kindergarten registration) will be today from 12-7. We are excited to meet and officially introduce the graduating class of 2038!

Big shout out to these Staff of the Month for February. Congratulations to Emily Clark and Amy Anderson for all of their hard work and dedication to our students!

These first grade students are crushing it on IXL!!

Look at these kindergartners. They are in the ABC Club and 100 Club!

We are so proud of Charlie for graduating from speech! Way to go!

REMINDER: Kindergarten registration will take place tomorrow, March 6th from 12:00-7:00PM. Also, parent-teacher conferences will take place tomorrow from 3:30-6:30PM.

Preschool really enjoyed having ACOVSD Board Member Tiffany DeMint read to them today! Thank you for spending time with us!

Important information for our 5th and 6th grade parents who have students participating in the Brick Master Club....

Tomorrow's theme will be Wacky Wednesday or Spirit Day.

Guess who came back??? Mrs. Mills missed the students at NAES! Thank you for reading to our 5th grade students!