The Adams County Ohio Valley School Board will meet in regular session this evening at 5pm. You may watch it live on our YouTube channel
over 4 years ago, ACOVSD
Parent or guardian picking up students from school in the afternoon should not park in the circular pick up area until 2:30. Pick ups will not be released until after 1:30. This blocks the bus that drops off TAG students in the afternoon. If you are parked in the pick up area before 2:30, you will be asked to find a parking spot in the parking lot until 2:30. Also, please make sure to check your child's temperature each morning before they go to school. If they are running a fever, please notify the school they will not be attending that day. Parents also need to make sure their child has their mask when they leave the house in the morning. It is recommended that students bring extra masks in their backpack in case one breaks or becomes lost. Thank you for your cooperation and thank you for a wonderful start to the new school year!
over 4 years ago, North Adams High School
Parents, if you haven't already filled out your child's forms for the 2020-2021 school year, please take a few moments to do so. Forms are needed for both in person and virtual students. Find the link and login information at
over 4 years ago, ACOVSD
Back to school forms
In order to safely open our doors during this health crisis, staff and students are required to wear a mask to school. There is a limited amount of exceptions to this mandate. IF you feel your child meets one of the exceptions, a medical note stating WHY a child cannot wear a mask is required. You will need to give your physician permission to release this information. It is required by the Adams County Health Department. Each excuse will be screened for validity and a determination will be made regarding the safety of the child foremost in mind. If you have a doctor's note, with the stated medical reason for the exception, please bring it to the school office as soon as possible. Until it is approved by the Health Department, the child will not be able to attend class.
over 4 years ago, North Adams High School
Please Wear A Mask
Frequently Asked Questions about Adams County Ohio Valley Schools Reopening
over 4 years ago, ACOVSD
District Logo
Thursday, August 13th there will be a back to school night for kindergarten and second grade students. Please come at your assigned time given to you by your child's teacher. This night will replace the kindergarten orientation for parents which was cancelled. Monday, August 17th there will be a back to school night for preschool and first grade students. Please come at your assigned time given to you by your teacher. If your child is in preschool through second grade and you filled out the form for a pick up number, those numbers will be available when you come to school to meet your child's teacher. Parents of students in third through sixth grade can come to get their pick up numbers between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. on Thursday the 13th, 7:00 to 3:00 on Friday the 14th, Monday the 17th from 8:00 to 4:00 and Tuesday the 18th from 8:00 to 4:00. Pick up numbers must be given to a parent or guardian only.
over 4 years ago, North Adams High School
Don't forget, orientation for the AVA program is tonight from 5 to 6 and again from 6:30 to 7:30 for the North Adams attendance area. It will be held in the North Adams Elementary cafeteria. Incorrect information was communicated in an earlier text regarding bringing your child. We ask that only one parent per family attend, no students should attend this meeting. Masks are required. Chrome books will be issued this evening. Thank you and we apologize for the confusion.
over 4 years ago, North Adams High School
If your child is registered for Adams Virtual Academy, the orientation will take place for North Adams Elementary students on Tuesday, August 11th at the elementary school cafeteria. There will be 2 sessions. One will be from 5 to 6 and the second session will be from 6:30 to 7:30. Please choose one time slot to attend, only one parent per family should come, wearing a mask is required, bring something to write with, chrome books will be issued and the program will be explained. Orientation must be completed before the student is considered to be on A V A.
over 4 years ago, North Adams High School
Part-time Environmental Sanitation workers NEEDED!! The Adams County Ohio Valley School District is searching for applicants to become qualified for the position of Environmental Sanitation Worker. See for more information.
over 4 years ago, ACOVSD
If your child attends NAE and you need a pick up number for dismissal, please click on the below link to fill out the required form. Numbers from last year are void. All new numbers will be assigned and number placards will be a different color this year. All fields must be filled out to submit. Once pick up numbers have been assigned and are ready for distribution, we will let parents know. It will be sometime before the first day of school. If you have questions, please contact the school office at (937) 386-2516.
over 4 years ago, North Adams High School
Student Pick Up
North Adams Elementary will not be able to hold our traditional Back to School Open House this year due to the COVID situation. Families of students in 3rd through 6th grade will be contacted by their homeroom teachers. Students in K-2 will have an in-person meeting with the teacher on the following nights: Kindergarten - Thursday, August 13th 4:00 - 7:00 First Grade - Monday, August 17th - 4:00 - 7:00 Second Grade - Thursday, August 13th - 3:00 - 6:00 K-2 teachers will contact parents to schedule a time slot for a meeting (much like parent-teacher conferences). We recommend only one parent attend per child if possible and we ask that adults wear a mask. Preschool parents will be contacted by preschool staff regarding their information.
over 4 years ago, North Adams High School
Back to School
The deadline for registering your child for the Adams Virtual Academy is August 10th. Please contact Marla Young at her email address,, if you have any questions regarding the program. Thank you.
over 4 years ago, North Adams High School
Kindergarten screening is still taking place on Wednesday, August 5th and Thursday, August 6th. If you have opted to put your kindergarten student on the Adams Virtual Academy, the student must still attend screening. We ask that only one person accompany the student into the building and the adult should wear a mask (it is not required of the student, but recommended). Tables for waiting have been spaced adequately for social distancing and students will participate in stations with the staff. If you do not know your appointment time, please call (937) 386-2516 for assistance.
over 4 years ago, North Adams High School
Kindergarten Screening North Adams Elementary Parents Only! Please fill out this short survey regarding your decision about your child's learning environment this coming school year. This is not a commitment, only a planning tool for our school. Please click the link above. Thank you.
over 4 years ago, North Adams High School
Back to School Survey
North Adams Elementary Parents Only! Please take a moment to fill out this survey of intent regarding your decision for your child's learning environment for the coming school year. This is not a commitment, but will aid in our school planning. Thank you.
over 4 years ago, North Adams High School
Back to School Survey
The Adams County Ohio Valley School Board Meeting will be held this evening at 5pm. You may watch it live on our YouTube channel
over 4 years ago, ACOVSD
SUBSTITUTE BUS DRIVERS NEEDED The Adams County Ohio Valley School District is searching for applicants to become qualified for the position of Substitute Bus Driver. For more information follow the link
almost 5 years ago, ACOVSD
School Bus
Grade cards and class placement letters for next school year are still available for pick up in the school office from 7 to 2 Monday through Friday. All fees must be paid before these items will be released. If your child left belongings at the school, please pick those items up before Tuesday, June 16th. Any items left will be thrown away, recycled or donated.
almost 5 years ago, North Adams High School
The May 18, 2020 Regular Board meeting for the Adams County Ohio Valley School District will be streamed live at 5pm. Please visit the following URL.
almost 5 years ago, ACOVSD
In this video message to the Adams County Ohio Valley Schools community Mr. Seas, joined by Safety Coordinator Mr. Parker, discus the state''s directives as it concerns our district's graduation ceremonies.
almost 5 years ago, ACOVSD