OVCTC FFA was invited to present at the West Union Christian Union church to recognize agriculture and National FFA Week.  We thank the congregation for allowing us to join them for their Sunday Service and thanks to the members who came to participate!
almost 5 years ago, Ohio Valley CTC
OVCTC FFA presentation at the West Union Christian Union Church.
Thank you to our elementary school teachers at North Adams Elementary, Peebles Elementary & West Union Elementary who partner with the OVCTC Early Childhood Program - we appreciate that the ECE students have the opportunity to serve in your classrooms!
almost 5 years ago, Ohio Valley CTC
Heather McKee of the Early Childhood Education Program.
The OVCTC FFA Chapter has the opportunity to attend the 2020 National Farm Machinery Show and tractor pulls.
almost 5 years ago, Ohio Valley CTC
OVCTC FFA at the National Farm Machinery Show.
The OVCTC FFA competed in sub district public speaking at Georgetown High School and had great representation.  Left to Right: John Motts, Kamden Crum, Lindsay Mullins, Jacob Caudill, and Hunter Johnson.  In the extemporaneous division, John placed 2nd and advances to district in the AO pathway, Kamden placed 3rd in AO, and Jacob placed 7th in the A1 pathway.  Hunter Johnson placed 2nd in the prepared speaking division and advances to district, and Lindsay placed 3rd.  Best wishes  to our members heading to the next level, and we are very proud of our students efforts to get out of their comfort zone!  Public speaking is challenging, and these members have overcome many fears and obstacles! Special thanks to Mr. Loudon and Georgetown FFA for hosting the contest, and to Ms. Sydney Roberts and Mr. Aaron Lockhart for filling in as two excellent judges for our FFA Creed division speakers in the 9th grade and below!
almost 5 years ago, Ohio Valley CTC
OVCTC FFA competitors at the sub-district public speaking contest.
Students in Mrs. Davis’ Cosmetology Program have been studying the chemistry behind perm applications with different hair types.
almost 5 years ago, Ohio Valley CTC
The Cosmetology Program does a perm with a client.
The OVCTC Juniors in the CNC Machining Program recently toured Stober Drives, Inc. in Maysville, KY. Students toured the facility and learned about early placement / apprenticeship program opportunities!
almost 5 years ago, Ohio Valley CTC
OVCTC Juniors in the CNC Machining Program visit Stoner Drives, Inc.
Juniors in our Early Childhood Education program visited classrooms at North Adams Elementary on Tuesday. While there they were able to observe multiple teachers to experience different teaching strategies and classroom management skills. The students were very impressed with how inviting the school and all of its staff were. A special thanks to Mrs. Mills, Mr. Brewer and all of the teachers who provided our students with such a wonderful experience.
almost 5 years ago, Ohio Valley CTC
ECE observations at North Adams Elementary.
Becky Storer, Early Childhood Education director from Southern State Community College, visited seniors in our ECE program last week to discuss the college and it’s Early Childhood Education program. She shared information on the college, the admission process and financial aide. Her visit helped answer many question students had about college and was a great preparation for a visit planned to their campus for our ECE seniors this spring. We thank Mrs. Storer for taking time from her busy schedule to visit us.
almost 5 years ago, Ohio Valley CTC
Becky Storer of SSCC visits the OVCTC Early Childhood Education Program.
OVCTC FFA is very fortunate to have such a hard working group of officers this year.  They have created lots of fun activities for members,  led by example, and have learned to keep meetings orderly and effective.  Mr. White and Mr. Rhonemus would not be able to get things done as efficiently in the chapter if it wasn’t for these dedicated individuals.  We would like to congratulate 3 of our officers for their state ratings!  These young ladies put in countless hours and sacrificed their personal time to get their ratings!  Kaitlyn Shreffler Gold Rated Treasurer book, Aly Simpson Silver Rated Secretary book, and Whitney Hill Gold Rated Reporter book.  Whitney and Aly will be recognized at the Ohio State FFA convention this spring to receive their gold pins!  Keep up the good work team and thanks for doing a great job!
almost 5 years ago, Ohio Valley CTC
The OVCTC FFA Officer Team
Early Chilldhood Education student, senior Heather McKee assisted with administering weekly spelling test today in Ms. Raynard’s 2nd grade classroom at Peebles Elementary. Heather works closely with cooperating teacher Ms. Raynard to learn the 2nd grade curriculum, classroom management skills and daily routines. Heather plans to attend Southern State Community college this fall to pursue a degree in early childhood.
almost 5 years ago, Ohio Valley CTC
ECE at Peebles Elementary School.
The OVCTC FFA Ag Power Diagnostics team competed at District Contest this week. The chapter would like to thank Jeremy Sweet with Ag Pro Georgetown for use of the John Deere training resources & equipment and Luke Rhonemus for help supporting our students.
almost 5 years ago, Ohio Valley CTC
OVCTC FFA members prepare for the Ag Diagnostic competition this week.
All school activities, practices, and games (home and away) are canceled for today.
almost 5 years ago, ACOVSD
The Adams County Ohio Valley School District will be closed, today Friday February 7, 2020.
almost 5 years ago, ACOVSD
School Closed
Please follow link for updated district attendance percentages. https://tinyurl.com/rkdyxhw
about 5 years ago, Adams County Ohio Valley School District
Tracy Cook & Heaven Leitwein of the OVCTC Culinary Arts Program are working very hard to perfect their cake recipes & decorating techniques in preparation for their upcoming FCCLA competition!
about 5 years ago, Ohio Valley CTC
OVCTC Culinary Arts Program preparations for the upcoming FCCLA competition.
Congratulations to Zaine Hattan for having perfect attendance last Nine Weeks & wining the Attendance Award (a caliper set) in Mr. Cooper’s Jr. Machining Lab - well done!
about 5 years ago, Ohio Valley CTC
Nine Weeks Attendance Award in the CNC Machining Lab.
Students in Mrs. Foster’s Culinary Arts Program are working very hard to fine tune their projects for their upcoming regional FCCLA competition! Best of luck to OVCTC’s Rebekah Chase, Andrew Horsley & Lathan Jones!
about 5 years ago, Ohio Valley CTC
OVCTC Culinary Arts competition projects!
The Ag Business class has been hard at work the last few weeks getting their records closed out for the year, developing budgets, filling out applications and working towards degrees!  Mr. Rhonemus and Mr. White spent all day at Miami Valley evaluating books and scoring applications all day today.  All of our students are heading to the next level of state evaluation and we hope they have continued success for approval! In the meantime, there is still hay to unload, animals that need fed, and equipment to tend to.  Thank you to our school, administration, and school board for supporting us in these endeavors!
about 5 years ago, Ohio Valley CTC
The OVCTC Ag Business Program has been hard at work tending to equipment, putting up hay & applying for State Degrees!
Please follow link for updated district attendance percentages. https://tinyurl.com/rkdyxhw
about 5 years ago, ACOVSD
We continue to monitor our attendance rates. Please remember that students and staff should stay home for at least 24 hours after a fever stops. Hand washing, covering sneezes and coughs, etc. are also good practices to use when trying to avoid getting, and spreading the flu.
about 5 years ago, ACOVSD
1/29/2020 Attendance