If your child participated in the sixth grade ceremony on May 23rd, you know that we created a slideshow including all of those students. As a keepsake, our technology coordinator and her husband created a DVD for each sixth grader. These are FREE to families (one per sixth grade student). If you have already picked up your child's report card, you may stop back in to pick up your DVD. If you have not picked up the report card, you may pick up the report card and disc together. Office hourse are 9 a.m.-2 p.m., M-Th until June 29th. We hope you enjoy the DVD! Have a great summer!
over 2 years ago, Peebles Elementary
On Wednesday, June 1st, Peebles Elementary student report cards will be available for pick-up in the front office between the hours of 9 a.m.-2 p.m. With report cards, students/parents will also receive their homeroom assignment letter and next year's supply list. The office will remain open from 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Monday-Thursday until June 29th to pick up these items. The office will be closed from June 30-July 31st. In addition, the full homeroom class lists for Grades 1-6 will be posted at 9 a.m. on June 1st, on the office windows. Please keep in mind that NO changes will be made to the homeroom assignments upon posting; please do not call, email or come in requesting changes. Kindergarten class lists will be posted at 2 p.m. on June 2nd.
over 2 years ago, Peebles Elementary
Registration is now open for this summer's Explorers Club here on the Edge of Appalachia Preserve System! Once again, we are welcoming students from grades 4 and up for fun and learning in nature. Please contact our AmeriCorps member, Mike Nicolai, by email: mikenicolai.eoa.americorps@gmail.com or by phone at 937-544-2880 ext. 15.
over 2 years ago, ACOVSD
Explorers Club here on the Edge of Appalachia Preserve System
Reminder. Tuesday, May 24th is the last day of school for students. This will be an early dismissal day. Students will be dismissed 1 hour earlier than normal. Have a safe and enjoyable summer!
over 2 years ago, ACOVSD
Last day of school
The Adams County Ohio Valley School District will hold its regular meeting this evening, Monday, May 23, 2022, at the OVCTC beginning at 6 pm. The meeting will be streamed on the District’s YouTube Channel https://youtu.be/TZirC4wZzh8
over 2 years ago, ACOVSD
School Board Meeting
Upcoming Sports Info for PES: 1) If your child would like to play soccer this fall, the Peebles Youth Soccer League will be having sign-ups on the following dates for the 2022 season: Saturday, June 4th @ McCoy Park 9 a.m-12 p.m. Saturday, June 18th @ McCoy Park 9 a.m-12 p.m. (additional dates TBD) Cost to play (shirts included): 1 child-$50; each additional child-$45 We want EVERY child to have the opportunity to play soccer. If you know a child that would like to play soccer and needs assistance, please reach out to the Peebles Soccer League (David Pryor). Please follow our new Facebook page (Peebles Youth Soccer League) for additional sign-up dates, new information, and all things soccer! We are looking forward to the new season. 2) The Peebles Lady Indians (PHS) is hosting a basketball camp for female students in grades 1-5 (next year's 2nd-6th graders). The cost is $40 (shirt included). The dates are June 6 & 7th from 9-11:00 a.m. at the high school. If you want your daughter registered, please obtain a form from the PES front office.
over 2 years ago, Peebles Elementary
REMINDERS: 1) Per PES administration and district policy, any student who is absent more than half a day, is NOT permitted to attend school-related evening events. Therefore, any sixth grade student absent more than half a day today, Monday, May 23rd, will NOT be able to attend the sixth grade ceremony this evening. Don't forget if your child is attending tonight's ceremony, the doors open at 5:30 p.m., and all students must be in the large gym by 5:40 to dress in caps/gowns and line up. The ceremony will begin at 6:00 p.m. 2) PES will be dismissing early tomorrow, Tuesday, May 24th. We will dismiss at approximately 2:15 p.m. 3) PES is selling Peebles Indians yard signs as a building fundraiser! If you would like to purchase a sign, stop in our front office! The signs are $15 each! If you would like to see an image of the sign, please visit our Facebook page! https://www.facebook.com/Peebles-Elementary-School-1007023599418958
over 2 years ago, Peebles Elementary
Join us at 2 pm Sunday, May 22, 2022, for the live stream of the 2022 Graduation Ceremony for Peebles High School. You can watch it on the district YouTube Channel https://youtu.be/QyIv9i9VGGs
over 2 years ago, ACOVSD
PHS Graduation
CORRECTION: On MONDAY, May 23rd, Peebles Elementary School will host its annual Sixth Grade Ceremony recognizing the completion of elementary school for all students transitioning to seventh grade for next school year. The ceremony will be at 6 p.m. in the cafeteria/small gym of PES. Please join us for this evening of student recognition!!
over 2 years ago, Peebles Elementary
UPDATE: As a result of the weather forecast for the remainder of the week, PTO will be hosting the year-end incentives of Field Day/Slip-n-Slide Day on the same date, Friday, May 20th. Please send your children in comfortable clothes and shoes, with a towel, and with a water bottle for refilling as needed. In addition, ensure that you have signed and returned the liability waiver if you want your child to attend. Without this waiver, your child will not be permitted to participate.
over 2 years ago, Peebles Elementary
PES is selling Peebles Indians yard signs as a building fundraiser! If you would like to purchase a sign, stop in our front office! The signs are $15 each! If you would like to see an image of the sign, please visit our Facebook page! https://www.facebook.com/Peebles-Elementary-School-1007023599418958
over 2 years ago, Peebles Elementary
REMINDER: Tonight is a big night at PES!!! We will be hosting a live, public performance of our school play The Lion King!!!! Please join us this evening at 7 p.m.; the doors will open at 6:30 p.m.! Tickets will be sold at the door (cafeteria entrance); ticket prices are as follows: 0-3 years-Free, 5-12 years-$1.00, 13 and up-$3.00. We will also have some selected pieces of student art on display in the main hallway. Again, please come out and support the performing arts department tonight at 7 p.m. at PES!!!!
over 2 years ago, Peebles Elementary
Reminder for Parent Punch Cards: If you have completed all 10 of your punches on your Parent Punch Card, please bring that card into our office or send to school with your child to turn in to his/her teacher, so we can award your family a prize!!! Please send/bring these in by this Friday, May 13!!!
over 2 years ago, Peebles Elementary
PES planned and hosted several new parent and community programs revolving around academics and engagement. This was done through our NNPS (National Network of Partnership) committee in conjunction with the Ohio Statewide Family Engagement Center Project. The team was called the ATP (Action Team for Partnerships). The activities that you might be aware of that were organized by the team are Achieve for a Bead, Together We Read/Humphrey program, the parent punch system, etc. We ask that ALL parents please take a moment to open and respond to the survey rating our school on the implementation of these programs for this year. We really want your feedback and hope you loved all the programs as much as we did! Please click on this link to the survey and complete by the end of the day on Friday, April 29th!!! Family Survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2022OHNNPSFamily Each completed survey gives our school one more chance to win a $250 Staples gift card to support ATP (the school's committee/action team) activities. Schools and districts that meet response targets will also receive custom survey reports with their data!
over 2 years ago, Peebles Elementary
The Adams County Ohio Valley School District will hold its regular meeting this evening, Monday, April 25, 2022, at the OVCTC beginning at 6 pm. The meeting will be streamed on the District’s YouTube Channel https://youtu.be/u8sto4ucqbI
over 2 years ago, ACOVSD
School Board Meeting Tonight
The deadline for parent input was Friday, the April 15th. However, due to being on break, we will provide a final extension. Until noon tomorrow, April 20th, parents will have the opportunity to provide input on their child's needs for the following year. If you have any specific input regarding your child's placement next year, please use this link to complete the form BEFORE NOON on April 20th!!!! NO input will be accepted after that date/time! In addition, please know that you CANNOT request a teacher!!! Any input forms requesting a specific teacher, will be deemed unacceptable/not honored. NOTE: You must complete a separate form for each child. ONLY complete if you have specific input/concerns to be taken into consideration for NEXT school year. The form is NOT required!!! If the link only allows you to complete the form for one child, you may have to use a different email address to complete one for each additional child. The link to the input form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc9KmqgfslC9P9jHk5ot07mYOLWX1r5aUGFJHHdPOjgzfbCTw/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0
over 2 years ago, Peebles Elementary
We would like parent input for our PBIS program/rewards. Please take a moment to click on this short survey and help us out with your feedback! Here is the link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1QeUMsZzANELn5uykmk8ap6nHCYiL8kHeDNoTkv6kIdE/edit?usp=sharing
over 2 years ago, Peebles Elementary
The deadline for the 2022 Free Summer Meal Delivery program is quickly approaching. Applications have been sent home with elementary students today. Eligible households with children ages 1 to 18 can receive meals delivered to their house weekly for 10 weeks this summer. Send your completed application back to your school with all eligible children. Deadline is April 20, 2022. For more information or to get an application, visit https://www.abcap.net/
over 2 years ago, ACOVSD
Summer Meals
For those parents who have students participating in the Class vs. Class basketball games this evening at PES, please note that students are NOT permitted to be dropped off at the school without adult supervision. In addition, students are expected to follow school policies/behavioral expectations and must remain seated in the gym while not playing. Any student not adhering to behavioral expectations may be referred to administration. Thank you for your cooperation in maintaining a safe and positive environment during our evening events!
over 2 years ago, Peebles Elementary
REMINDERS: Tomorrow, Friday, April 8th is Kona Ice Day! See the pricing on our school Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Peebles-Elementary-School-1007023599418958 Don't forget the AIR testing dress-up days: Friday, April 8: Twin Day (dress like another student)--"Be sure to double-check your answers." Tuesday, April 19: Sweats Day--"Don't sweat the test." Wednesday, April 20: Favorite Sports Day--"Your teachers are your biggest fans." Thursday, April 21: Pajama Day--"Get your rest to ace the test." (NO testing this day, but we return from a long break the day before) Friday, April 22: Beach Day (wear school appropriate beach attire and sunglasses)--"We are heating up for the test." Spring Break starts next week!!! No school April 14-18th. Students return on Tuesday, April 19th.
over 2 years ago, Peebles Elementary