PES will be offering 2 options for Valentine’s Day! We purchased only limited amounts for distribution and would like to offer parents/students the chance to pre-order their gifts. We will also be selling these to students during their lunch through the dates of February 9--11. We will deliver all gifts to the students here at school on February 14. If you would like to pre-order gifts for your child (to him, from him to a teacher, student, family member, etc.), please complete an order form (each student was sent home with a form on February 8th OR you can obtain a form from the office). Send the form with money back to school with your child PRIOR to/ON FEBRUARY 10. A photo of the items can be found on Facebook!!
almost 3 years ago, Peebles Elementary
The Ohio Valley School's District spelling bee is cancelled for Monday, Feb. 7. The reschedule date will be announced and contestants will be notified once the new date is confirmed.
almost 3 years ago, ACOVSD
The Adams County Ohio Valley School District will be closed tomorrow, Monday, February 7, 2022. This will be a remote learning day. Classified employees will receive communication from supervisors regarding work schedules for tomorrow.
almost 3 years ago, ACOVSD
No School Remote Learning
Join PES for Spirit Week next week as we celebrate the 100th day of school, cheer on the Bengals and promote our TWR book, The World According to Humphrey!! See the list of dress-up days on our school Facebook page:
almost 3 years ago, Peebles Elementary
The Adams County Ohio Valley School District will be closed tomorrow, Friday, February 4, 2022. As previously planned, it will be a remote learning day.
almost 3 years ago, ACOVSD
School Closed
We hope everyone is staying safe and warm!!! We wanted to share a couple of reminders: 1) Today is our 5th and final allowable Snow Day; therefore, no student work/learning sessions are required today. However, if tomorrow is an inclement weather day as well, all PES students will complete assignments and virtual learning sessions required by their grade levels/teachers. Tomorrow would be considered a virtual/Remote Learning day. 2) Don’t forget to read Chapter 3 of The World According to Humphrey tonight! The discussion questions can be found on the TWR website or the school’s Facebook page.
almost 3 years ago, Peebles Elementary
Due to the impending ice storm, the Adams County Ohio Valley School District will be closed tomorrow, Thursday, February 3, 2022.
almost 3 years ago, ACOVSD
School Closed
Due to some busing issues, ALL of our buses will be running behind about 15-20 minutes today. Again, ALL BUS RIDERS will be dropped off approximately 15-20 minutes later than usual today, Wednesday, February 2nd. Pick-ups and walkers will dismiss at the normal time of 3:15 p.m. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.
almost 3 years ago, Peebles Elementary
Vote for your favorite PES staff member for February Staff Member of the Month. We encourage individuals of the community, parents, students, other staff, etc., to make ONE nomination each month. To cast your vote for February use this link by noon on Wednesday, February 2nd:
almost 3 years ago, Peebles Elementary
Thank you to all the families and students who read at home last night for TWR!! Tonight, we will be reading Chapter 2 of The World According to Humphrey!!! Keep up the great work!!! The students are excited and loving the character of Humphrey the Hamster! Access Facebook for tonight's questions or the website: Here is a link to the TWR Website.
almost 3 years ago, Peebles Elementary
Parent Reminders: --Please do NOT arrive earlier than 2:30 p.m. to the pick-up line in the afternoons! --Please NEVER just drop your children off at the elementary in the evenings early for practices to supervise themselves. They should be on time, report directly to the practice location, and be picked back up on time. In addition, siblings (brothers/sisters) are not permitted to be dropped off to sit during practices. Practices are ONLY for the players and supervising adults.
almost 3 years ago, Peebles Elementary
Peebles Elementary kicked off our new reading program, Together We Read (TWR) with all of the students today during lunch blocks!!! The students were introduced to our schoolwide book, The World According to Humphrey!!!! Every student will be bringing home three items today: a t-shirt (to be worn every Friday for four weeks starting this Friday), a copy of the book, and a goodie bag full of items. Please check out our Facebook post for more details, calendar, scavenger hunt, a list of sponsors, etc. You may also access our TWR website for chapter readings and questions: Please take time to start this reading adventure with your child(ren) by reading Chapter 1 with them tonight!!!
almost 3 years ago, Peebles Elementary
REMINDER: The Pee Wee Cheer Performance will be Tuesday, February 8th, at the HS game. Elementary cheerleaders will need to be there at 6:30 p.m. There will also be a practice on Monday, February 7th, from 3:30-5:00 at the elementary. Students WILL need a note to stay after school.
almost 3 years ago, Peebles Elementary
The Adams County Ohio Valley School District will be closed today, Friday, January 28, 2022, due to poor road conditions from overnight snowfall.
almost 3 years ago, ACOVSD
School Closed
GREAT NEWS!!!! Peebles Elementary WILL be returning to in-person learning tomorrow, Wednesday, January 26th!!! Please send your child(ren) back to school with any packets/work they were provided AND be certain to return the chromebooks and any chargers with them tomorrow! They will need these materials in their classes! Also, please don't forget to send children with their Achieve for a Bead bands and beads so that teachers and administrators can determine the prize-earning students!!! Thank you so much for your flexibility and assisting us through the remote learning interval! We appreciate you and are looking forward to having our kiddos back in the building tomorrow!!!
almost 3 years ago, Peebles Elementary
The Adams County Ohio Valley School District will hold its regular meeting this evening, Monday, January 24, 2022, at the OVCTC beginning at 6pm. The meeting will be also be streamed on the District’s YouTube Channel
almost 3 years ago, ACOVSD
Board Meeting
Good evening parents of Peebles Elementary students! We wanted to make families aware as soon as possible. Due to continued staff shortages for the beginning of next week, PES will be on REMOTE learning for Monday and Tuesday, January 24 and 25th. We apologize for the inconvenience but appreciate everyone’s support and flexibility as we attempt to provide the best services possible during these times. Our intent is to return to in-person learning in Wednesday. We will send further correspondence early next week. Thank you again!
almost 3 years ago, Peebles Elementary
PES is in “Remote Learning” status today and tomorrow, January 20-21. Please ensure that your child (ren) are completing assignments, virtual sessions, etc. as determined by the teachers. We ask that you please also adhere to scheduled times/“office hours” of the teachers. Scheduled times will allow the best access possible for parents and students. The front foyer will remain open for work pick-up through next Monday morning when we hope to return to in-school learning. Thank you for your continued cooperation!
almost 3 years ago, Peebles Elementary
The Adams County Ohio Valley School District will be closed Wednesday, January 19, 2022, due to poor road conditions in some parts of the attendance area.
almost 3 years ago, ACOVSD
School Closed
Update for Peebles Elementary School: Due to continued difficulties with staff coverage and anticipated student/staff absences due to COVID, Peebles Elementary School will continue with REMOTE learning via chromebooks or packets sent home with students last week. PES will be on the Remote/Virtual Learning Plan for Tuesday, January 18 through Friday, January 21. Teachers will be messaging students/parents with directions for how to complete work for the week via their classroom/grade level Bloomz or other social media. In the event that the ACOV school district cancels school for inclement weather/"Snow Day" for the entire district, PES will also be on a "Snow Day" and NO remote/virtual learning is expected for that day. Parents/students, if you have further questions, please feel free to contact your child's teacher. The front office of PES will remain closed to the public throughout this week. In addition, any public events for this week that are currently scheduled for elementary students will be canceled/rescheduled to avoid further contact (pee wee cheer night, practices, weekend games for January 22nd, etc. ). We ask that parents please take extra precaution with avoiding unnecessary contacts to help get our students healthy and back in session in person next week. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your support and understanding!
almost 3 years ago, Peebles Elementary