For Friday, January 14th, Peebles Elementary School will be closed for in-person learning due to staffing issues. Students will be expected to participate remotely. Please be on the lookout for a message from your child's teacher for specific details. The plan is to return on Tuesday, January 18th. We will update you by Monday if the plan changes due to continued staffing issues.
almost 3 years ago, ACOVSD
Reminders: If your child is signed up for the cheer camp this week, please be sure to send a note with him/her to stay after school on Wednesday, January 12th. No note is needed for Thursday due to the early dismissal. There is an early dismissal on Thursday, January 13th. Students will dismiss approximately an hour earlier than normal. Therefore, parents can line up for pick-ups starting at 1:30 p.m. Our dismissal will begin at 2:15 p.m. (or as soon as all buses arrive).
almost 3 years ago, Peebles Elementary
The Adams County Ohio Valley School District will be closed tomorrow, Friday, January 7th. A decision about games, practices, and Friday evening activities will be made by noon tomorrow.
almost 3 years ago, ACOVSD
School Closed
Congratulations to our two staff members of the month for January: Laura Applegate (3rd grade teacher) and Monica Music (assistant principal). These two ladies received the highest number of votes from staff, students, parents, community, etc. We are so very proud to have these two highly respected and dedicated educators as a part of the Peebles Elementary School family!!! ❤ Some of the comments shared in the nominations were: Mrs. Applegate-- "She is a good teacher." "She is so nice, so funny, and she's the best!" "The time and dedication she puts into her position as a PES staff member/teacher is an inspiration! She went above and beyond to make Christmas special for the purple hallway with providing a small gift and a visit/picture with Santa! No matter what life throws at her, she has maintained her smile and love for her position." "She makes learning fun and easy." Mrs. Music-- "She is really nice to everyone." "She was a great teacher." "She was one of my favorite teachers."
almost 3 years ago, Peebles Elementary
The Adams County Ohio Valley School District will have an early dismal, today Thursday, January 6, 2022, due to the incoming winter weather. High Schools will be dismissed at 11:30 AM and Elementary Schools will be dismissed at 12:30 PM. All afternoon/evening activities have been canceled.
almost 3 years ago, ACOVSD
Early Dismissal
Achieve for a Bead update for Tuesday, January 4th: The Peebles Church of Christ is NOT able to be open for reading this evening. The Peebles Dairy Bar is still providing reading time from 4-6 p.m. Thank you!
almost 3 years ago, Peebles Elementary
The Adams County Ohio Valley School District will hold their Organizational and Annual Tax Budget Hearing this evening, Tuesday January 4, 2022, at the OVCTC beginning at 6pm. The meeting will be also be streamed on the District’s YouTube Channel
almost 3 years ago, ACOVSD
School Board Meeting
Our Achieve for a Bead program will be wrapping up next Thursday, January 13th!!! We are so appreciative of all our community businesses who have hosted this program! And, we are very proud of the parent and student participation. Don't forget to keep earning those beads until next Thursday! Visit our Facebook page linked below for a calendar of open reading times for this week and next. Students will need to bring their bands/beads to school on Tuesday, January 18th to be tallied for class and individual rewards!!!!!
almost 3 years ago, Peebles Elementary
Vote for your favorite PES staff member for January Staff Member of the Month. We encourage individuals of the community, parents, students, other staff, etc., to make ONE nomination each month. To cast your vote for January use this link:
almost 3 years ago, Peebles Elementary
Adams County Ohio Valley School District School/Community: The safety of our staff and students is always a priority. This evening, the district Safety Coordinator, Mike Parker, made me aware of the rumor of the TiKTok challenge encouraging students to make violent threats toward schools on Friday, December 17th. To date, NO threats have been reported either regionally or locally. Rich Seas ACOVSD Superintendent Rich Seas ACOVSD Superintendent
about 3 years ago, ACOVSD
Rumor Image
During Quarter 3, we will continue to promote family reading and reading outside of school with our Together We Read (TWR) program. We are very excited about this program, and have been reaching out to local businesses/organizations to obtain donations/sponsorships to help us with the cost/supplies for the program. If you own a business or are affiliated with a business/organization (including any local church organizations) and you want to learn more about how to help, check out our Facebook page for more information!
about 3 years ago, Peebles Elementary
The Adams County Ohio Valley School District has partnered with Ohio’s RemotEDx Connectivity Champions to help district families who are struggling with home internet connectivity for learning at home. Families may qualify for discounted home internet service from existing providers or free wireless hotspots to help students connect their district device to the internet at home. Connect with RemotEDx Connectivity Champions at the following website (form at bottom of page) or call 844-K12-OHIO [844-512-6446]
about 3 years ago, ACOVSD
The Adams County Ohio Valley School District will hold their Regular Board of Education Meeting this evening, Monday December 13, 2021, at the OVCTC beginning at 6pm. The meeting will be also be streamed on the District’s YouTube Channel
about 3 years ago, ACOVSD
Board Meeting
The Peebles Elementary Spelling Bee will be held tomorrow, December 10th at approximately 9 a.m. We will be hosting this as a live event on our Facebook page if you would like to watch! Facebook page:
about 3 years ago, Peebles Elementary
REMINDER: The Christmas Market is open to the public this evening, December 9th, from 4-7 p.m. in our large gym. Come, shop, and support our local vendors!!! Kona Ice will be here tomorrow, December 10, for grades 1-6. (Kindergarten will not be participating due to their Polar Express Day). You may refer to pricing on our Facebook page for more info! Facebook Link:
about 3 years ago, Peebles Elementary
We had A LOT of nominations for Staff Member of the Month for December, but the two individuals receiving the most nominations were Delores Mathews and Chad Newman. Congratulations!!!!! Some of the comments from the nominations are: Mrs. Mathews (4th grade teacher): "Mrs. Mathews is very cooperative and pleasant to be around." "When we do not understand things, she helps us." "She is always nice to me and she makes learning fun." "She is kind, caring, respectful, and fun." Chad Newman (head custodian): "Chad is a hard worker." "He does so much work.....never complains." "He cleans all the messes in the lunch room." "Chad is a great cleaner and always takes care of our building." If you are interested in seeing the post with photos of these staff, please access our Facebook page:
about 3 years ago, Peebles Elementary
REMINDER: December 8-9 (Wednesday-Thursday)--Our students will have an opportunity to visit the Indians' Christmas Market to shop for family/friends. Please check your child's homeroom teacher's messages to find out which date he/she will shop. Also, each child received a "Shopping List". If your child is shopping, please return the list on the date they shop so volunteers can help ensure that gifts are purchased for the correct individuals and money is spent accordingly. The students love this shopping day! We hope everyone can participate! Also, the Christmas Market will be open to families/the public to shop on Thursday, December 9th from 4-7:00 p.m. (in our large gym). Come and join us that evening and support local businesses/vendors!!!
about 3 years ago, Peebles Elementary
PTO is hosting a fundraiser this week. If your child would like to purchase a Candy Cane Gram, they will be on sale during lunch between Monday-Friday. For more info, check out our Facebook page:
about 3 years ago, Peebles Elementary
PES will be doing two drives for local charities during the month of December. If you would like to donate, you may refer to the list of acceptable items for each of the drives. This list, which includes the dates of each drive, is posted on our Facebook page; use this link to access:
about 3 years ago, Peebles Elementary
Each month, Peebles Elementary will recognize 2 staff members as Staff Member of the Month. We are asking parents, students and other staff to nominate a staff member of their choice. You may only nominate one person per month!!! It can be a teacher, aide, cook, custodian, bus driver, administrator, secretary, counselor, etc. Anyone who works at Peebles Elementary full-time is eligible for nomination. If you want to nominate someone this month, please take a moment to complete the form below and submit! Thank you!!! This link to the nomination form will be active until 12:00 p.m. on Friday, December 3, 2021:
about 3 years ago, Peebles Elementary